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djcontrol compact reverse scratch and pitchbend behavior traktor pro 3

2 Posts
2 Users
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howdy folks! 

ive started with the djcontrol compact and traktor pro 3 on windows. in the manual included with the tsi file for the controller, it states that scratching occurs when paused and pitchbending happens during playback with either jogwheel. i have been searching for some time to see if theres a way to reverse this behaviour or tie it to the scratch key. ie to scratch hold the scratch button and play with the jog wheel, but ive come up with nothing. 

is what im looking to accomplish even possible? i thought it was, when i first installed traktor, scratching happened during playback but after importing the compacts tsi file this changed. 

help is appreciated! 


Hello Werkdup,

Happy New Year!

Please precise exactly in detail what you want the jog wheel to do and when so that we see if an update of the mapping TSI file can meet your expectation.
DJControl Compact jog wheels do not detect the fingers, so it cannot do some scratch action (as pausing the playback when you place the fingers on the jog wheel without moving at all).

Topic starter

Hi! Thanks for getting back to me!

After importing the tsi file from here the jog wheels pitch bend when a track is playing and scratch only when a track is paused. Ideally I would like to have the jogwheels pitchbend when the shift button is toggled, and have them scratch as their default behaviour when a track is playing.